

2019年 2月 アート掛軸月光(夜霧の彼方より)

スパッジオワークス 鈴木尚和さんデザインのアート掛軸。

本紙は手漉き和紙に純銀99.9パーセントの銀メッキを化学反応させたスパッジオワークスオリジナル「純銀和紙」を使用。 掛軸部分は夜霧をイメージし、霧の透かし模様を、西陣織正絹本漆箔にて深みのある艶感を出し、赤の正絹で流れ星の軌跡を表現しました。


スパッジオワークス https://www.spazio-works.com/

February 2019

Art Hanging Scroll Moonlight (From Beyond the Night Fog)

This art hanging scroll was designed by Naokazu Suzuki of SPAZIO WORKS.

The paper used is SPAZIO WORKS’ original “pure silver washi,” which is handmade Japanese paper with 99.9% pure silver plating chemically reacted.

The hanging scroll is made of Nishijin silk with a deep glossy sheen and red silk to represent the trails of a shooting star.

In order to bring out the best of the materials, the ears of the pure silver Japanese paper were not cut off, but were attached together to give the work a more attractive appearance.

SPAZIO WORKS https://www.spazio-works.com/